Accessible Parking Permit (APP)

Accessible Parking Permit (APP)

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Holders of a valid Accessible Parking Permit (APP) are entitled to special parking privileges in public parking areas and on public roadways. Ottawa residents with temporary or permanent disabilities can obtain an application for an Accessible Parking Permit (APP) by calling ServiceOntario at 1-800-267-8097 or by contracting your local ServiceOntario centre.

Who is eligible?  

Any person who holds an Accessible Parking Permit (APP) is eligible. The City of Ottawa honours valid accessible parking permits, licence plates, markers, or devices bearing the international symbol for access, for permit holders from other jurisdictions.

Getting or replacing an Accessible Parking Permit (APP)

Ottawa residents with temporary or permanent disabilities can obtain an application for an Accessible Parking Permit (APP) by calling ServiceOntario(link is external) at 1-800-267-8097or by contacting your local ServiceOntario centre(link is external).

How to use your permit  

Your permit must be displayed on the dashboard or sun visor of the vehicle in a way that the permit number and expiry date are clearly visible.

On-street privileges

Time limits are extended to four (4 ) hours at Pay & Display machines and elsewhere where parking is permitted, regardless of the time limit posted on the signs.

Parking at Pay & Display machines is free.

Vehicles may be parked up to four (4) hours in “no parking” zones. Permit holders may be picked up and dropped off in “no stopping” and “loading” zones, as well as in reserved bus lanes and reserved bicycle lanes as long as traffic is not impeded. Drivers are NOT permitted to wait for permit holders to return after they are dropped off in these locations.

These parking privileges do not apply to off-street parking facilities such as those at Federal Government buildings and Private Institutions (i.e.- Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport, hospitals, etc.).

Off-street privileges

All parking lots in the City of Ottawa with 20 or more public parking spaces are required to reserve at least one parking space for the use of permit holders. These spaces are identified by official signs showing the international symbol for accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Permit holders are required to pay the same parking fee as other parking lot users, unless signs indicate otherwise.


Permit holders are subject to all other Traffic and Parking By-law provisions including respecting the Winter Overnight Parking Ban and cannot block driveways, park in front of a fire hydrant or park within nine (9) metres of an intersection.

Vehicles must not be stopped or parked in a way that blocks traffic.

Permit holders cannot park facing the wrong direction (facing on-coming traffic).

Permit holders cannot park more than 15 centimetres away from a curb (includes the middle of a dead end street/cul-de-sac).

Permit holders cannot park in “no stopping zones“.  “No stopping” regulations are in effect on many roadways during peak traffic hours, usually Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Permit holders are not exempt from these regulations. Permit holders also cannot stop in school bus loading zones, taxi zones, and police vehicle zones.


Please contact us for more information.