ICCC AGM 2023 Board Nomination Form, Qualifications, Process, Deadline Date



Dear Life Members,

In accordance with Article 6 of the ICCC Bylaws (last amended at the Annual General Meeting held on June 19, 2021), the three-year term of three board members, namely Mr. Vasdev Aggarwal, Dr. Virendra Bharti, and Dr. Prabir Neogi, are coming to an end.

Pursuant to Article 19 of the ICCC Bylaws, a “Nomination and Election Committee” has been put together and is composed of three members:

  1. Rekha Dogra, Vice-President (Chairperson)             email: vicepres@icccottawa.org
  2. Chandra Vaidyanathan, Secretary                               email: secretary@icccottawa.org
  3. Jagjit Khosla, Life Member                                           email: khosla_jagjit@icccottawa.org

The Committee will receive the nominations, assemble a slate of candidates, and conduct the election, if required, at the AGM 2023.

Nominations are invited by the Committee for 3 Board Members, using the following Nomination Form which should be emailed and may be submitted at the latest by 12th June 2023, 12 days prior to the AGM. Please note that: No Nominations shall be accepted from the floor of the AGM.


I, ………………………………., a Life Member of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Inc., Ottawa (ICCC) hereby nominates …………………………………., an ICCC Life Member, for the election to the Board of Directors of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Inc.

________________                                _________________

Signature                                                         Date

Nominee’s Profile – A brief statement of his/her background and suitability for the ICCC Board:



I …………………………………………., a Life Member of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Inc., Ottawa (ICCC), second the above nomination.

________________                                _________________

Signature                                                         Date


The Nomination Committee reserves the right to allocate the nominee to a 1-year, 2-year, or a 3-year term depending on the vacancies and/or the requirements of the Board.

Acceptance of Nomination

I, ………………………………………, a Life Member of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Inc., Ottawa (ICCC) confirm that I have read the

  1. a) Bylaws of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre (Click here), and
  2. b) Duties of Directors of non-profit corporations (Click here)

and accept the nomination and declare that if elected, shall serve on the Board of Directors of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Inc., Ottawa (ICCC), for a three-year term, to the best of my ability, to further the Aims and Objectives of a Life Member of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre Inc., Ottawa (ICCC).

Name: ____________________________

Signed: ________________________                     Date: ____________


If you have any questions or wish to provide comments, feel free to contact the undersigned, the President, or any other board member.


Rekha Dogra




Website: https://icccottawa.org/