ICCC Communique #5

Members Communique # 5 (October 2017)

Social Planning Council of Ottawa (SPCO) doubled our Seniors Grant:

The ICCC Seniors Group is working closely with SPCO and they have recognized the value delivered in our programs. So the SPCO committee has doubled their funding to $10,000 this year to boost our Seniors program. This is a feather to the cap of our Seniors program team.

Existing initiatives:

A)  Physical Hub Project: The Property Exploration Committee headed by Nitya Varma is near completing their 6-month tenure. They will be presenting their report on their findings to the Special General Body Meeting of ICCC Members on Saturday, the 4th of Nov, 2017. The Notice of the SGM has been mailed to all members. If you have not received the notice, please email secretary@icccottawa.org.

B)  Spiritual Hub Project: ICCC is awaiting a confirmation for the land. As soon as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is signed with the land owner, ICCC Spiritual Hub committee will approach potential financiers for a seed investment in the project. ICCC will also forge collaborative partnerships in the Ottawa community at large and the corporate sector, initiate fund-raising and develop a concrete plan of action.

C)  Community Portal/Virtual Hub: The website https://icccottawa.org is evolving into a community portal that includes the Community Events Calendar, community news, community information about book authors, poets and writers, etc, and Indo-Canadian Community Hall of Fame.

The PDF version of “A History of Indo-Canadians in Ottawa… A Journey across Generations” has been available online for two months; over 110 community members have downloaded the book. If you have not downloaded your copy, please click on the book title link.

D)  ICCC Constitution/By-Laws Review Committee: The committee comprised of Dr. Shiv Chopra, Anish Mehra, and Dr. Prabir Neogi has been discussing a few options to recommend for review and amendment. Their report is expected soon.

E)  ICCC-FIO Canada 150/150 Project: The Canada 150-150 project is about mingling with other cultures — We would like 150 Indo-Canadian families to invite at least 150 families of different cultures and share the Indian culture and lifestyle with them. Rekha Dogra, Chair of the Canada 150/150 committee has been actively publicizing this event at the Indo-Canadian functions to encourage greater participation and to promote multiculturalism. Let us all participate in it.

F)   ICCC Leaders of Tomorrow Youth Scholarships 2017:  The Scholarship program has been announced. ICCC will award several scholarships to post-secondary students of University of Ottawa, Carleton University, St. Paul University, and Algonquin College. The number of scholarships available will depend on the funds raised. So far, six donors have come forward with donations in the scholarship fund.

G)   Seniors Activities: The weekly groups are continuing with active participation by seniors. A Seniors Annual Picnic in Sept 2017 attracted over 180 seniors. Orleans Seniors celebrated Diwali on the 12th of Oct. A combined Diwali celebration was held on the 13th of Oct with the participation of nearly 120 seniors.

New Initiatives:

1.      Sports Hub: ICCC is contemplating partnerships with hockey, cricket, golf, and soccer clubs to encourage and support Youth activities. Currently, there is an interest in developing partnership of some sort with the Nepean Nighthawks field hockey club.

2.      Fund Raising Initiatives: ICCC is planning to launch major fund-raising drives, i.e. approaching a couple of financial institutions to invest funds in the Spiritual Hub on a Naming Rights basis; proposing a community partnership with UoBMRI Golf Tournament in May 2018; and a Awards Gala Dinner Night in Oct 2018. The Gala Dinner will be held in partnership with two Charities to support Women Empowerment and Youth development.

Key Community Events and ICCC Participation [in reverse chronological order]:
1.      Oct 18, 2017 — 17th National Diwali at Parliament: ICCC  joined forces with Overseas Friends of India in Canada to organize, support and participate in the National Diwali on Parliament celebrations.

2.      Oct 16, 2017 — Diwali on the Hill: ICCC Board members and ICCC members participated in the Diwali celebrations on the Hill.

3.      29th of Sept, 2017 – India day celebration by High Commission of India: ICCC board members and members participated in the India Day celebrations organized by the High Commission of India at the Horticulture Building, Lansdowne park.

4.      23rd and 29th of Sept 2017 – Navratri Garba and Dandia Raas event by Gujarati Cultural Association: ICCC Seniors organized ticket sales and several ICCC seniors, board members and Members participated in the Garba/Dandia celebrations.

5.      17th of Sept, 2017 – Flute Music Concert: ICCC organized a Music Concert by renowned artists from India Pt. Rupak Kulkarni (Flute) and Pt. Hindole Majumdar (Tabla).

6.      12th of Sept, 2017 – Fund-raising breakfast for Montfort Hospital:
ICCC participated in the “Cooking Up Community Free Breakfast” event at the Eggspectatons Restaurant to raise money for the Montfort Hospital.  ICCC board members and Seniors volunteered. ICCC collected a donation of $1,545 for the cause.

Any questions or comments to:
Aasha Mehta
Director of Communications
Indo-Canadian Community Centre