Preliminary Notice for Annual General Meeting 2020 – September 26, 2020

Dear ICCC Members,


On behalf of the ICCC Board of Directors, you are invited to attend the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM 2020) of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre, to be held on September 26, 2020. This year, due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we shall have a “Virtual” AGM, using the Zoom platform. A subsequent email will provide further details, including the Notice of Meeting and Agenda, and relevant reports. We request you to attend the meeting and lend your support.

Board Elections – Request for Nomination of Board Members
In accordance with Article 6 of the Bylaws (last amended at the Special General Body Meeting held on May 18, 2019), the 3 retiring Members of the Board of Directors who were elected at the AGM 2019 for 1-year terms, will be replaced by 3 new Directors elected for 3-year terms.

A Nomination and Election Committee (comprised of three members: Chairperson Sudesh Kanda, Virbala Acharya, and Rakesh Dogra), has been formed pursuant to Article 19 of the Bylaws. It will receive the nominations and conduct the election at the AGM 2020.

Nominations are invited for Board elections, using the Nomination Form on the ICCC website, and may be submitted online: [], latest by September 16, 2020, which is 10 days prior to the AGM.

Nominees (members who are nominated to the Board) are requested to read the following documents prior to the AGM:

  1. Bylaws of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre – Click here.
  2. Duties of directors of non-profit corporations – Click here.

… and provide a signed declaration statement as follows:

“I have read a) Bylaws of the Indo-Canadian Community Centre and b) Duties of directors of non-profit corporations; and if elected, I hereby consent to serve on the ICCC Board.”

Name: ____________________________

Signed: ________________________ Date: ______________

If you have any questions or wish to provide comments, feel free to contact the undersigned, the President, or any other board member.


Chandra Vaidyanathan and Virbala Acharya
Secretaries, ICCC
613-878-9437 (Cell)