Due to the constraints imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this year we shall be having ICCC’s AGM virtually, hence the meeting will be the same as the last meeting and will have similar time constraints.
The AGM will be held on Saturday, June 19th, using the Zoom video-conferencing service.
When: Jun 19, 2021 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. All participants must be pre-registered for the Zoom Meeting.
R.S.V.P. Please reply to this email to confirm that you will attend.
If you are unable to attend the AGM, kindly furnish your proxy for voting online: https://icccottawa.org/agm-2021-proxy-form/.
Proxies will not count to determine the quorum for the meeting, your proxy will only count towards voting for the resolutions.
In addition to the Notice of the AGM and Agenda (see below), we are sending out some standard reports (Minutes of Sept 26, 2020, AGM – Click here, 2020 Financial Statement – Click here, Resolutions – Click here) with this email. Everyone should review them in advance, so that we can utilize the time at the AGM more efficiently.
Chandra Vaidyanathan and Virbala Acharya
Secretaries, ICCC
613-878-9437 (Cell)
Notice of ICCC’s 2021 Annual General Meeting
Event: Annual General Meeting (AGM 2021)
Attendees: Life Members (voting members) of the ICCC
Date & time: Saturday, June 19, 2021, at 2.00 – 5.00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting, to be held on Zoom.
2.00 p.m. – 2.30 p.m.
Registration and familiarization with the technical system and meeting protocols – (Zoom Host)
All members are requested to be on the Zoom system by 2.00 p.m.
2.30 – 5.00 p.m. AGM proper
1. Meeting called to order and confirmation of the Quorum – President/Secretary
2. Discussion and Approval of the Minutes of Sept 26, 2020 AGM (click here) – President
3. Highlights of ICCC activities for 2020-2021 – President’s Report
4. Discussion and Approval of the Financial Statement for FY 2020 (click here) – Treasurer’s Report
5. Discussion and Approval of Resolutions for Amending the ICCC By-Laws (click here) – President
6. Election of 3 new Board Members – Rekha Dogra (Chair, Nomination & Election Committee)
7. Any other Business – President
8. AGM Adjourned
Note: The Approval of an item requires voting upon a duly proposed and seconded Motion.
Zoom Meeting Instructions
Chandra Vaidyanathan will be the Zoom administrator. Please follow the instructions below to join the meeting. If you run into any issues, please call or text Chandra Vaidyanathan at 613-878-9437.
Zoom installation instructions and house rules:
1. Make sure to have the Zoom Cloud Meetings app downloaded prior to the Annual General Meeting. You can download the app from either www.zoom.us (website), the Apple Store or the Play Store.
2. We strongly recommend that you use a laptop or tablet for Zoom.
3. You will need to create an account and sign into your zoom account to join the meeting.
4. There is a waiting room, just give it a couple of minutes and the Zoom administrator will let you in shortly. Make sure to click on the “Join with computer audio” option.
5. To make things seamless and easier, everyone will be muted to avoid any sound disruption at the time of the meeting.
6. Please only use the chat for questions and comments related to the discussion.
7. If you have any questions, you can write it in the chat which will be constantly monitored by the Zoom administrator. We will do our best to answer the questions, however the goal is to get through our Agenda.
8. We encourage the use of the “Reactions” (“clap” emoji and “thumbs up” emoji) whenever you would like to show support.
9. Where Votes have to be taken and recorded, the “Poll” function will be used. The procedure to handle Proxies will be explained at the Zoom meeting.
10. Please note that the AGM will be recorded.
11. We would appreciate it if everyone can have their videos turned on, unless the system starts lagging, in that case we will ask everyone to turn their videos off.
12. To leave the meeting simply click on “Leave Meeting.”
Zoom Meeting Details:
ICCC Ottawa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: ICCC AGM 2021
Time: June 19th, 2021 02:00 PM EST
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. All participants must be pre-registered for the Zoom Meeting.
Additional Zoom features for Android:
Additional Zoom features for Apple iPad: