30 Woodfield Dr
Nepean, ON K2G 3Y5
🙏INVITATION (Flyers Below)
ICCC Gen-Con Networking event for all ages (Senior, Youth and International students and immigrants) in Ottawa.
🍵Chai and Chat (Brewing stories of first impressions/moments in Canada)
🎱BINGO Game (The thrill of the win at Bingo Game. Bring some cash to play)
⏰DATE and TIME: 27TH APRIL AT 3:00 – 6:30 PM
🧭WHERE: Tanglewood Community Centre, 30 Woodfield Drive, Nepean, K2G 3Y5
🍪Refreshments will be served with tea!
®️Limited seats, please click the link below to Register
The networking event is organized by ICCC Ottawa Gen-Con Youth Program and ICCC Seniors. Gen-Con is an Inter-Generational collaboration and bridging Generations for social services and education between Youth and Seniors.