ICCC COVID-19 Relief Fund — Q & As
- How much of my donation will be sent to the selected charity: ICCC will transfer 100% of your donation to your selected charity.
- When will I get the Tax Receipt for my donation? The Tax receipt for your donations (in excess of $50) during the current year will be issued by the 28th of February of the following year.
- Why did you select “The Ottawa Hospital” for donations? Assistance to Ottawa Hospitals: The front-line health care workers, the backbone of our health and safety system are under great stress in providing care to the patients. Surge due to Corona virus has added a new layer of Emergency operation, causing an overwhelming situation for the chain of staff. They need help on multiple fronts — Personal Protective equipment (e.g. masks & ventilators), aid to recovered patients to hasten their release and to make beds available to the next patients, more cleaning, psychological support, solving childcare issues, etc.
- Why did you select “Food Banks — Ottawa Food Bank, Ottawa Mission & Shepherds of Good Hope” for donations? These NGOs desperately need financial assistance to maintain their services to the community they serve. The food they used to get from food outlets has dried up and they have to buy almost all the food they serve to their clients ―the Homeless, the deprived, and others in the community.
- Ottawa Food Bank: provides food for those in dire need at various Ottawa locations.
- Shepherds of Good Hope: in upper town has been receiving active support for many years from the Indo-Canadian community — Seva Group with ICCC volunteers, Hindu Temple, and many others from the community.
- Ottawa Mission: provides food for those in dire need in the centre location.
- Does ICCC work in collaboration with other Indo-Canadian organizations (regional associations) and individuals? Is it being done for the COVID-19 virus pandemic? Yes. Please check the ICCC’s Vision and the Mission on our Home Page (icccottawa.org). In keeping with the Mission, for the COVID19 Relief Fund initiative, ICCC is continuously in liaison with other organizations and individuals and is open to suggestions from all for helping out the community. ICCC’s objective is to enhance unity in diversity and promotion of the contributions and accomplishments of community members from all walks of life, particularly in the local community.
- Can individuals and other organizations forward the information about the “COVID-19 Relief Fund“ initiative to their own networks and membership lists? Yes, ICCC requests that all should circulate widely the information to their own networks and membership. Already the notice e-mailed to various mailing lists has been posted in the Facebook page of numerous organizations as well as on ICCC’s various Forums and social media accounts.
- Will ICCC post the COVID-19 initiatives of other community organizations on the ICCC website? Yes, feel free to send the information or the link to webmaster@icccottawa.org. Our Home page reflects a link to Other Information Resources from a Community Source.
- Can we think of an online music/entertainment program for fundraising, going forward? Yes. Let us all come up with creative ideas for fundraising for the COVID-19 Relief Fund. For example, Vedic Sanskruti is planning an On-line musical event to help out students from India.
- The Ottawa Hospital — Do you want to help us? (Source): If you have personal protective equipment that you would like to donate to hospitals and health-care services in our region, please send an email to COVIDDonations@toh.ca. All donated equipment will be assessed and then distributed to hospitals and health-care services in the region as needs arise.
- Are there instructions available to sew face masks? Yes, we have posted mask-sewing instructions here: The “Mask Challenge” initiative by Michael Garron Hospital in Toronto.
Please act now and donate, every day counts.
Please share the information with your networks for greater impact.
Please stay safe and healthy.
If you have any further questions, please contact us.
“Great things happen when we all work together.”