Life Again – Song by International Musicians during COVID-19 Released by ICCR

Dear All,

India Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has been collaborating with eminent artists, to provide a platform to launch their virtual artworks and to showcase their artistic work during the COVID-19 lockdown. One such collaboration is with Dr. Mysore Manjunath, a renowned violinist, who has released the video song “Life Again”, which has been conceptualized and composed by Dr. Manjunath himself.

The song is an international collaboration of 20 eminent musicians from across the globe and India, who have performed in this specially composed music video during the COVID-19 pandemic. All the musicians are from Corona affected countries and have recorded the song from their respective countries. The artists are from Italy, UK, the US, Iran, China, Middle East, France etc.. Sri Ganapathi Sachchidananda Swamiji has written the lyrics and recited in the song.

The song is available on the following link:

You are kindly requested to widely publicize and promote the song amongst your friends, family, and organization members.